My own MiniShift Cheat Sheet


Minishift is a tool that helps you run OpenShift 3 locally by running a single-node OpenShift cluster inside a VM. You can try out OpenShift or develop with it, day-to-day, on your local host.

:warning: If you need an OpenShift 4 cluster, then you need to review my CodeReady Containers Cheat Sheet.

:point_right: Red Hat Container Development Kit is the enterprise version of minishift provided by Red Hat.

This cheat sheet includes the most common commands to install, deploy, administrate or operate your local OpenShift using minishift.

Enjoy it !!! :cool: :sunglasses:

Download and Install

minishift binaries are available here.

Download the archive for your operating system and extract its contents, copy it to your preferred location, and add the minishift binary to your PATH environment variable.

To check that your installation:

❯ minishift version
minishift v1.34.2+c50597d

:warning: CDK version requires run the this command to set up your host operating system before to start it.

❯ minishift setup-cdk


By default minishift defines very low resources (CPU, memory). You could check them as:

❯ minishift config view
- iso-url                            : file:///home/rmarting/.minishift/cache/iso/minishift-rhel7.iso
- memory                             : 4096
- vm-driver                          : kvm

To assign the number of CPU:

❯ minishift config set cpus 4

To assign the memory:

❯ minishift config set memory 16384


To start the default, or active profile:

❯ minishift start

To start a profile:

❯ minishift start --profile myprofile

:raising_hand: CDK needs to register with Red Hat to download and build container images. Add your Red Hat Developer Program username to your environment to avoid the need to enter it each time you start minishift. Your password is stored in the system keystore, so after you log in once, the CDK simply retrieves the password from the keystore.


Registration could be skipped using the --skip-registration argument in the start command.

:point_right: You could improve the start up time disabling many checks with --skip-startup-checks argument.

OpenShift Version

Minishift will start with a default OpenShift version, however you could define which version using the --openshift-version as:

❯ minishift start --openshift-version v3.11.286 

You could check the full list of OpenShift versions available with the next command:

❯ minishift openshift version list
The following OpenShift versions are available: 
The following OpenShift versions are available: 
        - v3.10.14
# skipped long list
        - v3.11.272
        - v3.11.286

Endpoints and Credentials

Every time minishift is started the IP address may change, that information is provided in the output log:

❯ minishift start
-- Starting profile 'minishift'
   OpenShift server started.
   The server is accessible via web console at:

   You are logged in as:
       User:     developer
       Password: developer

   To login as administrator:
       oc login -u system:admin

You could get the OpenShift console as:

❯ minishift console --url

Users provided are:

  • system:admin as cluster-admin (not recommended to use, unless you need to administrate your own OpenShift cluster)
  • developer as regular user (recommended user). This user also can impersonate the administrator. This allows you to run administrator commands using the --as system:admin parameter.

To log in as developer:

❯ oc login -u developer -p developer https://$(minishift ip):8443

To log in as cluster-admin:

❯ oc login -u system:admin https://$(minishift ip):8443

Using profiles

When you have to manage different configurations, applications or deployments, you could use different namespaces in the same minishift instance, or use different profiles.

A profile is an instance of the Minishift VM along with all of its configuration and state. The profile feature allows you to create and manage these isolated instances of Minishift.

:warning: This feature is only available in CDK. :warning:

Each CDK profile is created with its own configuration (memory, CPU, disk size, add-ons, and so on) and is independent of other profiles.

The active profile is the profile against which all commands are executed, unless the global --profile flag is used.

To create a new profile:

❯ minishift profile set myprofile
Setting up CDK 3 on host using '/home/rmarting/.minishift/profiles/myprofile' as Minishift's home directory
Creating configuration file '/home/rmarting/.minishift/profiles/myprofile/config/config.json'
Creating marker file '/home/rmarting/.minishift/profiles/myprofile/cdk'
Default add-ons anyuid, admin-user, xpaas, registry-route, che, htpasswd-identity-provider, eap-cd installed
Default add-ons anyuid, admin-user, xpaas enabled
Profile 'myprofile' set as active profile.

To delete a profile:

❯ minishift profile delete myprofile
Will remove the VM and all the related artifacts. Do you want to continue [y/N]?: y
Profile 'myprofile' deleted successfully.


Minishift allows you to extend the OpenShift setup with an add-on mechanism.

Minishift provides a set of built-in add-ons that offer some common OpenShift customization to assist with development. To list the default add-ons, run:

❯ minishift addons list
- admin-user                  : enabled	P(0)
- anyuid                      : enabled	P(0)
- xpaas                       : enabled	P(0)
- che                         : disabled	P(0)
- eap-cd                      : disabled	P(0)
- htpasswd-identity-provider  : disabled	P(0)
- registry-route              : disabled	P(0)

To enable and apply an add-on:

❯ minishift addons enable registry-route
❯ minishift addons apply registry-route

CDK enables automatically a set of add-ons: xpass, admin-user and anyuid.

-- Applying addon 'xpaas':..
XPaaS imagestream and templates for OpenShift installed
-- Applying addon 'admin-user':..
-- Applying addon 'anyuid':.
 Add-on 'anyuid' changed the default security context constraints to allow pods to run as any user.
 Per default OpenShift runs containers using an arbitrarily assigned user ID.
 Refer to and for more information.

To disable an addon:

❯ minishift addon disable xpaas

Define an user as cluster-admin

The easy way to define a cluster-admin user is using the admin-user add-on:

❯ minishift addons enable admin-user
Add-on 'admin-user' enabled
❯ minishift addons apply admin-user

This add-on will create a new user identified by admin (same password):

❯ oc login -u admin -p admin https://$(minishift ip):8443

Maybe you want to use other different user as cluster-admin. This command will promote to cluster-admin the developer user.

❯ oc login -u system:admin
❯ oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin developer

:warning: A high power requires higher responsibility. :warning:


To check the status of your minishift:

❯ minishift status
Minishift:  Running
Profile:    minishift
OpenShift:  Running (openshift v3.11.232)
DiskUsage:  24% of 19G (Mounted On: /mnt/sda1)
CacheUsage: 1.446 GB (used by oc binary, ISO or cached images)


To stop your minishift instance:

❯ minishift stop


Deleting the minishift instance you will recover the storage space of your laptop or desktop computer:

❯ minishift delete

:warning: This operation could not be recovered. :warning:

Updating Minishift

:warning: This option is not valid for the CDK version :warning:

To update minishift:

❯ minishift update

This command checks whether there is a newer version of Minishift available. If so, it prompts user to confirm the update, downloads the new binary and replaces the current version of Minishift.

Updating CDK

CDK has not an update automatic method, so you have to follow the next steps:

  1. Download new binary
  2. Delete your current profiles
  3. Setup CDK
  4. Create or define your profiles
  5. Start each profile

I know that it is not so good … but this is the way!

Pull images from

Red Hat Registry is an authenticated service, so it is needed to have valid credentials to pull images from here.

Using a Red Hat account create a new token in Registry Service Accounts. Registry Service Accounts are named tokens that can be used in environments where credentials will be shared, such as deployment systems.

This tool will create a secret (in yaml format) with the valid credentials to pull images. Download the secret yaml from the OpenShift Secret tab.

This secret will be similar to:

❯ more cdk-3-secret.yaml 
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: cdk-3-pull-secret
  .dockerconfigjson: **************

Create the secret in the namespace:

❯ oc create -f cdk-3-secret.yaml

Link secret to default and builder service accounts.

❯ oc secrets link default cdk-3-pull-secret --for=pull
❯ oc secrets link builder cdk-3-pull-secret

Other alternative is declare a secret for docker-registry using Red Hat credentials, as we declared to register OpenShift at start up time:

❯ oc create secret docker-registry imagestreamsecret --docker-username=${MINISHIFT_USERNAME} --docker-password=${MINISHIFT_PASSWORD} -n openshift --as system:admin

Now you could import official images such as:

❯ oc import-image openshift/nodejs:8 --confirm -n openshift --as system:admin
❯ oc import-image openshift/httpd --confirm -n openshift --as system:admin


❯ oc delete is --all -n openshift --as system:admin
❯ oc apply -f -n openshift --as system:admin

Using Wildcard Routes (for a Subdomain)

OpenShift 3 has support for wildcard routes, however this feature is not enabled by default. This feature could be needed for some deployments so the HAProxy should be modified to allow them.

This must be executed with a cluster-admin user.

Using your developer user you could execute the following commands impersonate as cluster-admin:

❯ oc scale dc/router --replicas=0 -n default --as=system:admin scaled
❯ oc set env dc/router ROUTER_ALLOW_WILDCARD_ROUTES=true -n default --as=system:admin updated
❯ oc scale dc/router --replicas=1 -n default --as=system:admin scaled

This feature is very useful to expose headless services with a set of pods deployed with its own route to access:

A wildcard route definition will be similar to:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Route
  name: wildcard-route
    targetPort: pod-port
    termination: passthrough
    kind: Service
    name: service-headless
    weight: 100
  wildcardPolicy: Subdomain

If the service-headless service exposes three pods, the final routes for each of them will be similar to:




minishift_kubeconfig does not exists

Sometimes when minishift starts could fail with the next error message:

Could not set oc CLI context for 'minishift' profile: Error during setting 'minishift' as active profile: The specified path to the kube config '/home/rmarting/.minishift/machines/minishift_kubeconfig' does not exist

or this other one:

Error applying the add-on: The specified path to the kube config '/home/rmarting/.minishift/machines/minishift_kubeconfig' does not exist

I don’t know the root cause of this issue, however create a symbolic link as workaround works for me:

ln -s ~/.kube/config ~/.minishift/machines/minishift_kubeconfig

:point_right: This issue is tracked in CDK-360 issue.