My own CodyReady Containers Cheat Sheet


Red Hat CodeReady Container (CRC to abbreviate) brings a minimal, configured OpenShift 4 cluster :cloud: to your local laptop or desktop computer for development and testing purposes.

This cheat sheet includes the most common commands to install, deploy, administrate or operate your local OpenShift using CRC.

Enjoy it !!! :cool: :sunglasses:

Download and Install

CRC will need an local virtual machine image (ISO) and a valid pull secret to download images from Red Hat Container Registry.

Both things are available here

Run the this command command to set up your host operating system.

❯ crc setup


The easy way to start is passing the reference to the pull secret, it will avoid asking you anything on startup time:

❯ crc start -p /path/to/pull-secret.json

Endpoints and Credentials

Your new local OCP 4 cluster is available here:

  • API (to be used with oc command): https://api.crc.testing:6443
  • Web Console: https://console-openshift-console.apps-crc.testing

You could check these endpoints with:

❯ crc console --url

Users provided are:

  • kubeadmin as cluster-admin
  • developer as regular user

To get the current credentials:

❯ crc console --credentials
To login as a regular user, run 'oc login -u developer -p developer https://api.crc.testing:6443'.
To login as an admin, run 'oc login -u kubeadmin -p duduw-yPT9Z-hsUpq-f3pre https://api.crc.testing:6443'

Define an user as cluster-admin

Maybe you want to use other different user as cluster-admin instead of kubeadmin. This command will promote to cluster-admin the developer user.

❯ oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin developer

:warning: A high power requires higher responsibility. :warning:

Create new users

CRC provides a small set of users:

  • kube-admin as cluster-admin
  • developer as regular user

To create new users, we must export the htpass-secret used by OCP to authenticated them and declare there new users.

  • Extract htpasswd secret:
❯ oc get secret htpass-secret -ojsonpath={.data.htpasswd} -n openshift-config | base64 -d > users-crc.htpasswd
  • Add/Update/Delete users in users-crc.htpasswd:

  • Add or Update: htpasswd -bB users-crc.htpasswd <username> <password>
  • Delete: htpasswd -D users-crc.htpasswd <username>

  • Update htpasswd secret:
❯ oc create secret generic htpass-secret --from-file=htpasswd=users-crc.htpasswd \
  --dry-run=client -o yaml -n openshift-config | oc replace -f -

Now you have a large list of users to use.



To check the status of your CRC:

❯ crc status
CRC VM:          Running
OpenShift:       Running (v4.5.9)
Disk Usage:      22.92GB of 32.72GB (Inside the CRC VM)
Cache Usage:     37.3GB
Cache Directory: /home/rmarting/.crc/cache


To stop your CRC instance:

❯ crc stop


Deleting the CRC instance you will recover the storage space of your laptop or desktop computer:

❯ crc delete

:warning: This operation could not be recovered. :warning: