First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute!
This is my personal blog, a small space in Internet, however it could be also yours. I am a open-source fan so my repo is open to collaboration. I really appreciate your support.
Code of Conduct
This project is governed by our Code of Conduct. All participants are expected to uphold this code. Violations of the code can be reported by contacting me at
How to contribute
Fork the repo, add or change markdown files, and create a pull request. You can make these changes via the GitHub web interface, the command line, or a git client of your choice.
Once you create a pull request, I will review for sure, but it might take me some time to comment, review, or merge it.
What to contribute
- Fixing typos
- Adding more references
- Adding/Updating commands, blocks, texts, …
- Whatever you want to add with some value for this site
Gathering Feedback
As a community, I strive to provide kind and constructive feedback on your PR.
If a pull request doesn’t meet the “must be” guidelines, I may ask that the pull request be updated before it’s merged. If a pull request doesn’t meet the “should be” guidelines, I may merge the pull request and add an issue for future improvements.
Again, thank you so much for your interest and support!
Happy contributing