My own Red Hat OpenShift Application Services CLI Cheat Sheet
There is an official version of this Cheat Sheet for Red Hat Application Services on the Red Hat Developers portal.
Don’t miss the chance to get it here.
command-line interface (a.k.a Red Hat OpenShift Application Services CLI) can manage your
application services from a terminal.
More details, or updated information, please check the GitHub repository here
To install it, review the Installing and configuring the rhoas CLI page.
Log (in|out)
rhoas login
Log in to RHOAS
rhoas logout
Log out to RHOAS
Apache Kafka Management
Manage and interact with Kafka instances, Kafka topics, Consumer Groups and Access Control Lists (ACL). Each Kafka service includes a full Apache Kafka cluster, bootstrap servers, and the configurations needed to connect to producer and consumer services.
rhoas kafka create --name my-kafka-instance
Create a Kafka instance
rhoas kafka describe --name my-kafka-instance
View configuration details of a Kafka instance
rhoas kafka list
List all Kafka instances
rhoas kafka update --name my-kafka-instance [flags]
Update configuration details for a Kafka instance.
rhoas kafka use --name my-kafka-instance
Set the current Kafka instance
rhoas kafka delete --name my-kafka-instance
Delete a Kafka instance
Apache Kafka Topic Management
Commands for manage Kafka Topics in the current Kafka instance.
rhoas kafka topic list
List all topics
rhoas kafka topic create --name my-topic
Create a Kafka topic
rhoas kafka topic describe --name my-topic
Describe a Kafka topic
rhoas kafka topic update --name my-topic --retention-ms -1
Update configuration details for a Kafka topic
rhoas kafka topic consume --name my-topic --partition 0 --wait
Consume messages from a Kafka topic
rhoas kafka topic produce --name my-topic --file="message.json"
Produce a new message to a Kafka topic
rhoas kafka topic delete --name my-topic
Delete a Kafka topic
Apache Kafka Consumer Group Management
Commands for manage Kafka Consumer Groups in the current Kafka instance.
rhoas kafka consumer-group list
List all consumer groups
rhoas kafka consumer-group describe --id consumer-group-01
View detailed information for a consumer group and its members
rhoas kafka consumer-group reset-offset --id consumer-group-01 --topic my-topic --offset [earliest|latest|absolute|timestamp]
Reset partition offsets for a consumer group in a particular Kafka topic
rhoas kafka consumer-group delete --id consumer-group-01
Delete a consumer group
Apache Kafka ACL Management
Commands for manage Kafka Access Control Lists (ACL) for users and service accounts in the current Kafka instance.
rhoas kafka acl create --operation all --permission allow --topic my-topic --user dev-user
Create a Kafka ACL rule
rhoas kafka acl list
List all Kafka ACL rules
rhoas kafka acl grant-access --producer --consumer --service-account ID --topic my-topic --group all
Add ACL rules to grant users access to produce and consume from topics
rhoas kafka acl grant-admin --service-account ID
Grant an account permissions to create and delete ACLs in the Kafka instance
rhoas kafka acl delete --operation all --permission allow --topic my-topic --service-account ID
Delete Kafka ACLs matching the provided filters
Common flags available:
--operation string
Set the ACL operation. Choose from:all
--permission string
Set the ACL permission. Choose from:allow
Service Registry Management
Manage and interact with your Service Registry instances directly from the command line.
rhoas service-registry create --name my-registry
Create Service Registry instance
rhoas service-registry list
List Service Registry instances
rhoas service-registry describe --name my-registry
Describe a Service Registry instance
rhoas service-registry use --name my-registry
Use a Service Registry instance
rhoas service-registry delete --name my-registry
Delete a Service Registry instance
Service Registry Artifact Management
Commands for manage Service Registry schema and API artifacts in the current selected Service Registry instance.
rhoas service-registry artifact create --artifact-id my-artifact --file my-artifact.asvc --type AVRO
Create new artifact from file or standard input
rhoas service-registry artifact list
List artifacts
rhoas service-registry artifact metadata-get --artifact-id my-artifact
Get artifact metadata
rhoas service-registry artifact metadata-set --artifact-id my-artifact --description my-artifact
Update artifact metadata
rhoas service-registry artifact download --global-id GLOBAL_ID
Download artifacts from Service Registry using global identifiers
rhoas service-registry artifact get --artifact-id my-artifact
Get artifact by ID, group, and version
rhoas service-registry artifact update --artifact-id my-artifact --file my-artifact.asvc
Update artifact
rhoas service-registry artifact state-set --artifact-id my-artifact --state [DISABLED|ENABLED|DEPRECATED]
Set artifact state
rhoas service-registry artifact versions --artifact-id my-artifact
Get latest artifact versions by artifact-id and group
rhoas service-registry artifact export
Export all artifacts and metadata from Service Registry instance
rhoas service-registry artifact import
Import data into a Service Registry instance
rhoas service-registry artifact delete --artifact-id ID
Deletes an artifact or all artifacts in a given group
Service Registry Role Management
Manage Service Registry roles using a set of commands that give users one of following permissions:
: provides read access -
: provides read and write access -
: provides admin access as well as read and write access
rhoas service-registry role add --role manager --service-account ID
Add or update principal role
rhoas service-registry role list
List roles
rhoas service-registry role revoke --service-account ID
Revoke role for principal
Service Registry Rule Management
Configure the validity and compatibility rules that govern artifact content.
rhoas service-registry rule list
List the validity and compatibility rules
rhoas service-registry rule enable --rule-type=validity --config=syntax-only
Enable validity and compatibility rules
rhoas service-registry rule describe --rule-type=validity
Display the configuration details of a rule
rhoas service-registry rule update --rule-type=validity --config=syntax-only
Update the configuration of rules
rhoas service-registry rule disable --rule-type=validity
Disable validity and compatibility rules
For more information about supported Service Registry content and rules, see Supported Service Registry content and rules.
Service Registry Setting Management
Commands for manage settings for a Service Registry instance. The available settings include the following options:
: Specifies whether Service Registry grants at least read-only access to requests from any authenticated user in the same organization, regardless of their user role. -
: Specifies whether Service Registry users can authenticate using HTTP basic authentication, in addition to OAuth. -
: Specifies whether only the user who creates an artifact can modify that artifact. -
: Specifies whether the Confluent Schema Registry compatibility API uses globalId instead of contentId as an artifact identifier.
rhoas service-registry setting list
List all the settings for a Service Registry
rhoas service-registry setting get --name SETTING-NAME
Get value of the setting for a Service Registry instance
rhoas service-registry setting set --name SETTING-NAME --value SETTING-VALUE
Set value of the setting for a Service Registry instance
Service Account Management
Manage service accounts. Service accounts enable you to connect your applications to a Kafka instance.
The credentials could be exported in the following structures:
(default): Store credentials in an env file as environment variables -
: Store credentials in a JSON file -
: Store credentials in a properties file, which is typically used in Java-related technologies -
: Store credentials in a Kubernetes secret file
rhoas service-account create --short-description my-service-account --file-format env
Create a service account with credentials that are saved to a file
rhoas service-account list
List all service accounts
rhoas service-account describe --id ID
View configuration details for a service account
rhoas service-account reset-credentials --id ID --file-format env
Reset service account credentials
rhoas service-account delete --id ID
Delete a service account
Configuration Management
Generate configuration files for the service context to connect with to be used with various tools and platforms
You must specify an output format into which the credentials will be stored:
(default): Store credentials in an env file as environment variables -
: Store credentials in a JSON file -
: Store credentials in a properties file, which is typically used in Java-related technologies -
: Store configurations in a Kubernetes ConfigMap file
rhoas generate-config --type json
Status Management
View the status of application services in a service context
rhoas status
View the status of all application services in the current service context
rhoas status kafka
View the status of all Kafka instances in a specific service context
rhoas status service-registry
View the status of all Service Registry services in a specific service context
Context Management
Group your service instances into reusable contexts. Context can be used when running
other rhoas
commands or to generate service configuration.
A service context is a group of application service instances and their service identifiers. By using service contexts, you can group together application service instances that you want to use together.
rhoas context create --name sandbox-dev
Create a service context
rhoas context list
List service contexts
rhoas context use --name sandbox-dev
Set the current context
rhoas context set-kafka --name=my-kafka-instance
Set the current Kafka instance
rhoas context set-service-registry --name=my-registry
Use a Service Registry instance
rhoas context status --name sandbox-dev
View the status of application services in a service context
rhoas context unset --name sandbox-dev --services service-registry
Unset services in context
rhoas context delete --name sandbox-dev
Permanently delete a service context.
rhoas whoami
View the username of the current user.
rhoas authtoken
View the authentication token of the current user that can be used to
rhoas version
Display version information about both the rhoas client
rhoas help _command_
Display help about a command
Enabling command completion
On Bash:
rhoas completion bash > rhoas_completions
sudo mv rhoas_completions /etc/bash_completion.d/rhoas
On Zsh:
rhoas completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_rhoas"
echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc
On Fish:
rhoas completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/
Global Flags
Most of the commands includes the following global flags
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Available:json
-h, --help
Show help for a command -
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode
Full Command API
The full list of commands, with options, flags, and examples is available from the App Services CLI Website.
Enjoy it!!!