:tada: New article published in Red Hat Developer!
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:tada: New article published in Red Hat Developer!

2023, Sep 20    

I am honored to announce that a new article from mine was published at Red Hat Developer community. The Automate your AMQ streams platform with Ansible describes how deploy Apache Kakfa clusters using the AMQ Streams Collection of the Ansible Middleware community.

This blog post is the result of my contributions and collaboration with this amazing community to automate the most tipical operations of an Apache Kafka cluster. The collection is under development but this post summarize the most important topics and shows an example of the most tipical deployment topology of an Apache Kafka cluster.

I would like to thank Romain Pelisse who helped me a lot in my contributions, testing my implementations, and teaching me a lot of great things about Ansible.

I hope this new article helps you when you need to automate your Apache Kafka cluster on RHEL/Fedora environments.

My full list of articles are available for your records here. As usual, comments, ideas, PRs are welcomed!

Happy coding !!! 💻💾💿☕