Migrating Kafka clusters with MirrorMaker2 and Strimzi
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Migrating Kafka clusters with MirrorMaker2 and Strimzi

2021, Nov 19    

In this article we (my colleague Manuel Schindler and I) would like to focus on the most common challenges to migrate Apache Kafka clusters between different OpenShift platforms, and how to overcome them by using Apache MirrorMaker and Strimzi Operators.

:newspaper_roll: :information_source: LATEST NEWS :information_source: :newspaper_roll: This article has been accepted and published in the Strimzi Blog community :tada: here. We are glad :star_struck: to help and contribute in the Strimzi Community with our experience and knowledge of this amazing Open Source project.

Thank you so much Strimzi Community!!! :muscle: :tada:


Many thanks to some great colleagues for help us reviewing this content:

  • Hugo Guerrero
  • Jakub Scholz
  • Rafael Yanez
  • Paolo Patierno