:rocket: My blog in diff.blog()

:rocket: My blog in diff.blog()

2020, Oct 20    

When I started this :tada:blog site, I only wanted to have a small place in Internet, to write :books: and share my knowledge, experience, technical architectures, how-to, … or whatever related with software development, computing, Open Source, platforms, operating systems and whatever I learn everyday in my job.

I have not special goals to spread it :wave: to a wide audience :family:, or became a real blogger or influencer (whatever it does mean :smile:), however I, as other author, want to know that my blog :books: could be helpful for others. To achieve that it is very important to advertise as many different places as possible (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or others Social Networks), but this process could take time and not get a so large audience.

Well, some days ago I received the following invitation from diff.blog() site:

Hello 👋 👋

Over the past decade, we have seen the rise of centralized publishing platforms like Medium. A lot of self hosted blogs were migrated to these platforms in hope of a bigger audience. Sadly, most of these blogs lost their unique identity and became just another page on them.

Our mission is to fight back against monopolies like Medium and promote independent self hosted blogs like yours. We think the best way to make this happen is by improving the visibility and reach of self hosted blogs. And that’s why we built diff.blog.

diff.blog is an aggregator of developer blogs. It was started in 2019 to improve the visibility of self hosted blogs. Whenever you publish a new blog post on your blog, it would automatically appear in the diff.blog news feed. The title and summary of the post would be visible to the users of diff.blog and they can click on the post to read the full post on your blog.

We also have a weekly email digest, which would email the most popular blog posts in our index to all diff.blog users.

diff.blog index over 630 blogs at the moment. And our network is growing steadily every day. And we would like to invite you to include your blog in diff.blog as well.

Adding your blog to diff.blog is super easy and takes less than a minute.

Go to https://diff.blog Sign up with your GitHub account. Go to blog settings https://diff.blog/account/settings/blog/ Add the URL of your blog We are looking forward to have your blog in diff.blog. Let us know if you have any questions. Happy to answer.

I don’t know how or whom :exclamation::question: sent me that invite. Maybe someone suggests my blog, or diff.blog() scans blog sites published by GitHub Pages … whatever how this invite arrived me, I studied it because I have not heard before before get the invite.

This site seems work as the invite describes and the FAQ have the answers for many of questions. There are several blogs already registered and the site is publishing everyday many new blog posts from all of them, so it is very easy to be updated and get interested blog post to read in some moment.

So I finally decided to register my blog site there and I hope more people could get it. I am excited to analyze how is going to work in the next weeks.

Have navigating from blogs in diff.blog()! :sailboat: