Why I use emojis in my Git commits
We use Emojis every day in different channels like Telegram, Slack, WhatsApp, Google Chats, … They are a fast way to communicate in this visual world. So I use them too in my git commits in the same way.
Around one year ago I started to use them after collaborate in a repo where some colleagues used emojis to give a visual summary of the commits. In my homuilde opinion writing git commit messages is an art that I am not doing well in many cases. Emojis help me to reduce the commit message and also add a visual message for others.
The UI of the most common and extended Git SCM integrates the emojis when you are browsing the repo, and the experience as a user is more clear, visual, fun and easy to follow. I used in different SCM such as:
GitHub: Full integrated
GitLab: Very well integrated
Bitbucket: Very bad integration, but my commits have emojis
Gitea: Enough integration (but I did few commits)
Gogs: Enough integration (but I did few commits)
Your repo could have a look and feel similar to:
Nice, right?
So after this time using them, I could conclude that the main reasons to continue is:
- Be Cool? Hipster? Not at all
- Simple visualization of the status of the repo
- Funny documentation and easy to follow (not only in commits)
- Simple and direct messages
- Can I do it? Go ahead
Top List of emojis
The full list of emojis is so large, but after some time I have a top list of the most common emojis in my daily development.
I could summarize my top list of emojis in:
: Everything starts with the first commit. -
: Documentation is important in any project. -
: Adding new features in your project. -
: Fixing your code … not always is working fine. -
: Removing things. -
: Releasing a version -
: Managing your dependencies versions. -
: Refactoring code. -
: Configuring the project. -
: Merging branches. -
: Moving or renaming resources. -
: Comments in the source code are always needed -
: You don’t need to track everything (.gitignore is here) -
: Deprecating or cleaning code
Choose your own ones.
I know that it is very hard to learn all the emojis available, however there are some useful tools to help you.
From my personal experience, I gitmoji-cli by
Carlos Cuesta. This is a simple, and easy CLI to add emojis in your commits. This tool
includes helpers, searches to choose the right emoji before your commit or when your are committing:
The git repo has everything you need to start to use it.
Happy committing !!!